People set out in life, think and act as individuals and connect with each other. Together, we reshape our economy and society. In our quest for a better life, we come to shape our own future. For this to happen, we need to equip the next generation. Educational institutions are crucial places for designing a sustainable economy and society. They can integrate the Economy for the Common Good in different ways.

Creating a Common Good Balance Sheet

Educational institutions can also reflect and evaluate their contribution to the common good. For example by asking questions like: What is the quality of employment? How much energy is consumed in school operations and with which energy sources? What co-determination opportunities are there for parents and students?

The individual steps for creating a Common Good Balance Sheet for educational institutions are the same as those for companies. A report can be produced with or without consultation or as a part of a peer group. This report is then externally audited and published as a balance sheet.

The documentation on creating the balance sheet is also the same as for companies. However, an adapted set of guidelines has been developed to cover specific points:

These help to apply basic concepts and make the topics, questions and indicators for an educational institution tangible.

Examples of Balance Sheet done by educational institutions

Here you can find some Balance Sheets from various educational institutions:

Training and Research on ECG

Some schools and universities are already leading the way by starting a variaty of different activities:

  • they organize ECG seminars, courses and course modules
  • universities establish degree programs and their own ECG chairs
  • and engage in research activities on ECG.

These provide opportunities for young people to think about alternatives to the existing economic systems. They also help to shape the theoretical basis for the ECG.

Higher Education

The Science and Research Hub supports you with

  • an overview of ECG related courses
  • an overview of scientific works with reference to ECG
  • networks between education actors in the scientific field


As a school, you can take up ECG in your lessons, on project days or in the overall concept. The Education Hub provides you with

  • educational concepts and materials
  • speakers for lectures / workshops and project days
  • networks between education players
  • a guideline for the first implementation of the ECG in the classroom

Our experience with ECG

Jana Theurer and Birgit Brauburger from the Free Waldorf School Wetterau
© Anja Epkes

“Thanks to the process of drawing up the ECG balance sheet we have gained a new comprehensive view of our organization… many interesting insights, new self-confidence and ideas to shape a meaningful and sustainable future together.“
Freie Waldorfschule (FWS) Wetterau, Bad Nauheim

In a comprehensive pilot project the Freie Waldorfschule Wetterau has drawn up a Common Good Balance Sheet according to Matrix 5.0. The procedure and experiences were documented and can serve as orientation if necessary.

Please note: This process description gives a rough orientation and should be understood as an example. The approach and experiences of this project are not necessarily transferable to all schools. You are welcome to share your own experiences with us. For questions and feedback please contact