Below you will find a list of advocates for the Economy for the Common Good. The ambassadors are well-known people and entrepreneurs who support the model and initiative of ECG. The spokespersons are ECG members who speak to the general public and the media on behalf of the movement. You will also find a number of politicians who are from diverse political parties and support the vision and mission of ECG.
Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Prof. Dr. | Germany
Ex-president, Club of Rome.
Francisco Álvarez | Spain
Former director of the Paris Stock Exchange and consultant general manager of Valencia Stock Exchange. General Director for Economy, Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism in the Valencian government from 2015 to 2019. Former producer of the radio program "La bolsa y la vida" on public Spanish radio RNE.
Franz Alt, Dr. | Germany
Journalist, author and head of
Fritz Lietsch | Germany
Editor-in-Chief of forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften and publisher of ECO-World
Georg Willeit, Mag. | Austria
Managing Director of Lebenshilfe Tirol, internationally experienced NGO Manager
Ha Vinh Tho | Vietnam
Program Development Coordinator of the Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan
Heinrich Kronbichler | Germany
Educational entrepreneur and board of directors of WBS TRAINING AG
Helmut Lind | Germany
Chairman of Sparda-Bank Munich eG (registered cooperative). Germany's first Common Good bank creates a Common Good Balance sheet regularly since 2011.
Hilde Weckmann | Germany
Co-founder and Co-owner of Märkisches Landbrot
Jakob von Uexküll | Sweden
Writer, philanthropist, founder of the Right Livelihood Award and initiator of the World Future Council.