Fostering aliveness, that is radically shared
The World Ethic Forum 2024 is set to be a groundbreaking event, taking place in Pontresina, Switzerland, from August 30th to September 1st, 2024. This year’s forum will focus on “Pathways to an Ethic of Radically Shared Aliveness,” exploring innovative ideas and practices that foster a more ethical and interconnected world. The event promises a rich array of workshops, concerts, cinema, performances, and outdoor experiences aimed at promoting awe, wonder, and a celebration of radically shared aliveness.
One of the highlights of this year’s event is the participation of Christian Felber, author behind the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) and the ECOnGOOD organization. Felber’s pioneering work with the ECG, which advocates for an economy that measures success by the common good rather than profit, aligns perfectly with the forum’s ethos of ethical and shared aliveness. The speakers’ presence underscores the forum’s commitment to exploring economic models that prioritize the well-being of all forms of life, while participants will have the unique opportunity to engage with experts, gaining valuable insights into sustainable and ethical economic practices.
The World Ethic Forum’s focus on radically shared aliveness and the ECG’s principles of ethical values, transparency, and cooperation create a powerful synergy. Through engaging workshops and interactive discussions, attendees will explore how to implement these values in their personal and professional lives. The forum aims to inspire a cultural shift towards more sustainable behaviors and foster an international network of individuals dedicated to ecological and social transformation.
For those interested in joining this transformative experience, the full program and additional details are available on the World Ethic Forum’s official website. Tickets can be purchased directly through the site. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a movement that is paving the way for a more ethical and interconnected future. The event will be held from August 30th to September 1st, 2024.
See the full program for World Ethic Forum 2024
Image credits: @rafaelalbornoz / Unsplash