ECG in research and practice

The ECG International Conference is a hub for fostering academic discourse on the Economy for the Common Good (ECG) model and mutual inspiration between similar approaches and models, as well as for providing fresh ideas for ECG practitioners. At the core of a successful conference are, (a) topical tracks with carefully curated keynotes, (b) special encounter formats for similar models and integration perspectives, and (c) the transdisciplinary orientation to bring together scholars, practitioners, policymakers and students.

The conference should provide spaces for the aforementioned stakeholders to engage in long-term dialogue and collaboration. The goal behind  these spaces is to foster transdisciplinary research, forge synergies and connections, and equip ECG practitioners and policymakers with new skills and  knowledge. To this end, we suggest either dedicating a full day to non-academic activities or incorporating a specialised track throughout the conference.

ECG IC 2024. Venue

ECGIC 2024, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

ECGIC 2026

The Call for Hosting the IV ECGIC in 2026 is now open. We’re excited to invite all interested academic/research institutions globally, independently of their experience and involvement in the ECG movement. We strongly encourage applications from global-south institutions/organisations. Please send your declaration of interest by January 31st, 2025 to

Former editions

In June 2024, our III ECG International Conference took place in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. The event was organised by a host consortium made up of Wetsus, the European Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Water Technology; the two regional Universities NHL Stenden and Hanzengoheschool Groningen, and the Science and Research Hub of the International Federation of the ECOnGOOD. See more…

In March 2022, the Economy for the Common Good movement held its II International Conference at the University of Valencia, Spain.  Under the title ‘A Common Narrative for a Pluralist World?’. The ECG Chair at the university hosted the event in collaboration with the Science &   Research Hub. Over 70 researchers and practitioners shared their knowledge and experiences in what many described as a high-level and nurturing event. See more…

The first Economy for the Common Good International Conference was held in November 2019 in Bremen. Spanned across three days, the  conference attracted approximately 120 researchers and members of the interested public. You can find the program and call for hosting of the conference here.

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